Eira Tansey


Down here in New Orleans we’re a few weeks out from the Council of State Archivists/Society of American Archivists joint annual meeting. I’m coordinating the local host blog and looking forward to the conference, where I’ll be sitting for the Certified Archivist exam and chairing Session 301 about the digital divide within the archival profession.

In addition to preparing for the many archivists visiting the Crescent City, I’m winding down my assignment on the Society of American Archivists’ Communications Task Force. We’ve been looking at every aspect of how SAA communicates with members – I’ve learned a lot about the inner workings of SAA, and hope that our final recommendations will be adopted.

Just as SAA winds down, preparations for another conference begin: I’m serving as Vice-Chair of local arrangements for the next Society of Southwest Archivists meeting, to be held in New Orleans in May 2014.

This past spring I participated in a BBC4 radio documentary on the many attempts to translate A Confederacy of Dunces into a movie (the Louisiana Research Collection, where I currently work, has the papers of author John Kennedy Toole). I had a fantastic time talking to the producers and sharing some of the more colorful letters from the collection.


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